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Honey New Zealand UMF 15+ Manuka Honey

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Honey New Zealand (HNZ) UMF 15+ Manuka Honey is one of the handcrafted manuka honeys from this trusted supplier of honeys.

HNZ has a long pedigree in producing honeys of great quality and this dark and creamy manuka honey has the slightly bitter and minerally taste that is typical of a great and delicious manuka honey.

Quality is guaranteed as Honey New Zealand’s manuka honey products are licensed with the Unique Manuka Factor label, meaning that they are audited and tested to ensure that the honey contains all the natural chemical markers to ensure that it can be verified as being genuine.

The types of compounds that occur naturally in the production of the honey by the bees includes leptosperin, a recent discovery and which is one element that must be present for the honey to receive the UMF rating.

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