Produced by happy and hardworking bees in the pristine manuka forest of rural New Zealand, Happy Valley Manuka Honey UMF 10+ comes in this handy 1kg size jar for those who can’t resist the intense full taste of manuka honey.
Happy Valley has been producing and sourcing high grade manuka and other types of honey and bee products for well over 30 years now, and the company’s ethos is focused on supplying only the highest quality free from any outside influence or contaminants.
Happy Valley’s commitment to quality is demonstrated through its use of the UMF label. UMF or Unique Manuka Factor is the name given to explain the naturally occurring chemical markers found in genuine manuka honey.
These naturally occurring compounds come from the nectar of the manuka tree (Leptospermum Scoparium) and varies from batch to batch. This particular manuka honey has been tested and has been giving a UMF rating of 10+.
Medical grade manuka honey is already used in many clinical products in wound care and for treating burns.
The Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association has conducted a multi-year research project specifically to identify the markers that must be present in honey for it to be considered a genuine manuka honey. The tests look for the presence of leptosperin and methylglyoxal (MGO), as well as others, to confirm the monofloral status of the honey.
There is a longer review of Happy Valley Manuka Honey UMF 10+ written by the Editor.
This has a superior manuka honey that is great to eat with your porridge or morning bread, or then just savour it straight from the jar (NB: experts say children below the age of one should not eat honey). Happy Valley manuka honey will also get you off to a happy start.