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Manuka Honey Anti-Ageing Shampoo

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Wild Ferns Manuka Honey Anti-Ageing Shampoo is no ordinary shampoo and is made using a fairly rare and potent manuka honey with a strong antibacterial and antioxidant level called AAH Manuka Honey 650+. The AAH stands for Antibacterial Antioxidant Honey and this is a trademark that has been developed on the basis of extensive scientific research and testing so the manuka honey used in Wild Ferns Manuka Honey Anti-Ageing Shampoo has been tested to verify its antibacterial strength.

Manuka Honey Anti-Ageing Shampoo blends the manuka honey with Keratec, which is a protein made from New Zealand wool that is widely used in shampoos and other beauty products as it strengthens damaged hair by creating a protective film around the hair and prevents ozone damage to the cuticle.

The combination of these two natural products creates a shampoo that produces healthy and vibrant hair fibres and makes your hair youthful looking and healthy. Wild Ferns has been a pioneering company in the use of natural products such as manuka honey in the creation of a range of body, hair and skin care products. The company started out as a small husband and wife cottage industry and has grown to become one of New Zealand’s beauty success stories, but thanks in part to the amazing properties of manuka honey.

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