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Manuka Honey Toner

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Wild Ferns has developed a range of natural skin care products that are made from a very special manuka honey with a very high antibacterial and antioxidant level called AAH Manuka Honey 650+.

This Manuka Honey Toner is a purifying toner that will refresh and revitalize your skin by removing all traces of makeup residue and leaves your skin in good condition, which also ensures you get maximum benefit from your moisturizer.

AAH (Antioxidant Antibacterial Honey) Manuka Honey 650+ is manuka honey that has been selected and tested on the basis of a scientifically proven method of testing the antibacterial level of the honey. Wild Ferns uses this high grade manuka honey in its products because it is better for natural healing.

The natural qualities of manuka honey, such as its moisture retaining property and ability to eliminate impurities and assist in the healing of skin blemishes, make it a natural ingredient in this purifying toner. The high antioxidant level of the honey is also important as antioxidants are considered to neutralize skin damaging free radicals.

The Active Manuka Honey AAH 650+ in this Manuka Honey Toner is blended with two other natural ingredients: Aloe Vera and Witch Hazel and together they act to rejuvenate skin cells and stimulate circulation. Wild Ferns Purifying Manuka Honey Toner has been praised especially by people who have sensitive skin, again reflecting the high quality natural ingredients used.

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