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Wedderspoon Raw Manuka Honey Blend Active 7+ 500g

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This blended manuka honey gives you double the benefits and taste by combining raw manuka honey with delicious tasting New Zealand wild flower honey.

The honey comes from the unspoilt natural environment in the South Island of New Zealand and the rating 7+ means that the manuka honey has been independently tested to verity that it has the unique antibacterial activity that makes manuka honey so special.

The honey can be traced to a master beekeeper and they are rumoured to actually talk to their bees. The pristine environment where the honeys are sourced means that the honey does not contain any chemical residues or antibiotics and in addition to which they are GMO free.

The manuka honey is not treated to artificially change its potency so what you get in the jar is natural and raw manuka honey. Spread it on your morning toast or then eat if from the jar as part of a natural regime to keep healthy.

Honey is not suitable for children under the age of one.

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