Watson & Son 5+ Manuka Honey (1kg) is a genuine certified manuka honey produced by industrious bees feeding off the manuka trees in the North Island of New Zealand.
As a major supplier of medical grade manuka honey, Watson & Son places a great deal of emphasis on the science to back up what is stated on the label of all their honeys and to ensure the highest quality products.
Watson & Son is a father and son venture, which started as a hobby for the father but soon became hundreds and then thousands of hives, and now the son manages a team of beekeepers.
The scientific focus of the company is reflected in the manuka honey extraction process, which takes place in a state-of-the-art facility behind air locked doors to ensure the purity of the product. Each batch that arrives is given a code immediately on arrival so it can be traced.
Manuka honey is highly prized because it has unusual qualities that make it so sought after. The Molan Gold Standard grading system used by Watson & Son tests, measures and verifies the quality and purity of the honey to ensure it can be labelled as genuine manuka honey.
One key element that is tested for is something called methylglyoxal (MGO) and this 5+ honey has an MGO level of at least 100+ mg/kg.
Watson & Son’s 5+ Manuka Honey has an MGS (Molan Gold Standard) rating of 5+, so puts it at the lower end in terms of its MGO rating, but it is still a yummy honey nonetheless. Try it and see (children below the age of one should not eat honey).